Articles On Mercantile Investment Company (ASX:MVT)

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Shareholder activism is on the rise at home and abroad; will it become the norm in share ownership?

Investment bank Lazard believes shareholder activism is going to become more rife in future. Shareholder activism occurs when existing shareholders publically attempt to influence a company’s behaviour. To meet the criteria they have to be...

Stockhead MVT 4 years ago
Trading Places: Why buy on-market when you can get a share top-up from your dad?

This week’s recap of substantial holder transactions among ASX small caps covers everything from fund managers investing client cash to shares being handed down from one generation to the next. Substantial shareholders are shareholders hold...

Stockhead MVT 5 years ago
Monthly Listed Investment Company Report – Sep 2019

A Listed Investment Company (LIC) is a listed investment vehicle that offers investors access to a diversified portfolio of shares in other companies also listed on the stock market. (Also known as listed investment trust.) Note: For compre...

FNArena MVT 5 years ago
Activist investors: Welcomed liberators or unwanted pests?

The word activist would make you think of the world of politics rather than the share market. At least since 2014 when the Abbott government removed a loophole in the Corporations Act that had allowed GetUp to call a requisitioning meeting...

Stockhead MVT 5 years ago
Trading Places: What does a travel agent founder want with $4.9m of stock in State Gas?

In this week’s recap of substantial holders, Jamie Pherous bought a 5.3 per cent stake in State Gas for $4.9m, Lombard Odier bought more of Salt Lake Potash, and Regal sold out of Visioneering Technologies and increased its stake in Nickel...

Stockhead MVT 5 years ago